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For leaders and ops team members at small to midsize nonprofits to get guidance, uplifting, and resources for nonprofit data, database, and operations.

Ops Insights #051 - 3 Things Donors Do Not Say
3 Things Donors Do Not Say: I gave because you have a clean database. I gave because you have timely reports. I gave because you have streamlined processes. You certainly do not. Rather, you hear donors say: I gave because you made a difference in my life. I gave because I want something changed for the better. I gave because I want to leave a legacy. Let’s talk through how this happens.

Ops Insights #050 - 3 Teaching Techniques that Increase Engagement
This edition is for my Ops peeps who do teaching, training, and mentoring. From teaching how to use the data or database to teaching how to get the computer to work, we get asked many “tech” questions in our roles. For me, this is exciting as teaching is one of my favorite parts of my work.
There's nothing like it to take someone from base level to more advanced to ah-ha light-bulb moments. When I see it finally click and their face lights up, it’s magical. Let’s dive into three teaching techniques to increase engagement.

Ops Insights #049 Get Uncomfortable to Stay Relevant
Think of that moment. The moment where you felt, wow, I nailed it. I nailed it for me, for our team, and for our organization. You pause, take a breath, smile, and say we are better because of it. How long ago was that? Why can’t you make that happen more often?
I’m here to tell you that you can, but you have to be willing to get uncomfortable. This actually is a must-do to stay relevant. Data, tech, and the fundraising landscape changes. If you are still operating the same way you were 5, 10, or 15 years ago, you are outdated. It’s never too late to get curious, lean in, and learn how to adjust, tweak, enhance, and evolve to make things better.

Ops Insights #022 Continuous Learning
Continuous learning, also referred to as lifelong learning, is the ability to develop, build, and grow your skills on an ongoing basis. There is no way we can know everything already, especially as the data and tech landscape evolves and changes. Look at the cell phone you rely so heavily on… what version number are you on?
It’s a practice you can build in as a habit and it will support your growth as you continue to evolve in your role. Let’s go through some examples.