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For leaders and ops team members at small to midsize nonprofits to get guidance, uplifting, and resources for nonprofit data, database, and operations.

Ops Insights #060 - CEO & CDO’s Strategy for Dev Services Leader
As a CEO or CDO, you don’t want your 3 am thoughts to be about your concerns with the quality of your data or database. Nor do you have to stress about your staff not getting what they need to be effective or broken operational processes slowing things down. The data, database, and operational processes should not be a pain point. You want data that is right. You want a database that is clean. You want operational processes that allows you to be a proactive leader.
You want a smooth, well-run area where you and your team can have trust and confidence in what you are investing in, seeing, and using every day. To get here, the key is understanding the area and making sure you have the right person in place to lead the area. This area is called Development Services, also known as Philanthropy Operations or Advancement Services. Let’s dive in.

Ops Insights #059 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 3 of 3)
Building off our prior two editions we were ready. It was time to launch and get moving. We ran team check-ins to look at progress and I offered additional opportunities to support with 1:1 sessions. We would have liked to run bi-weekly check-ins, but in reality we could only fit in monthly team check-ins. Which we were okay with as the CDO has her check-ins with the fundraisers on strategy and I did 1:1s to help with tracking activity in the database. You see, I was invested. I wanted them to hit the 100% goal and it’s not always intuitive to a fundraiser to make sure to mark all the details on the action to ensure it’s pulling in as completed on the report. Let’s dive in.

Ops Insights #058 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 2 of 2)
Building off our prior edition, we are going to walk through how we cleansed portfolios and filled gaps in portfolios to lock and load them. We held three 1.5-hour sessions over a 4-week period. The objective of the first prospect review session was to go through all the existing prospects and portfolios and ask the questions: Are these viable prospects that you currently carry? So viable that you will be able to have a meaningful interaction with them in the next 90 days? Let’s dive in on the details.

Ops Insights #057 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 1 of 3)
The CDO came to me and said the board and her created a Fast Start initiative and we need reports to hold the team accountable and show progress. I thought this was really cool and immediately my brain went into action mode – how can I set up the tracking and reporting for her to be able to report out, but also how can I support the fundraisers to hit 100% of the goal? Let’s dive in.

Ops Insights #056 - Let’s Move You Forward
Sharing some of my comments on LinkedIn from 2024 in hopes these words will guide, motivate, or move you forward in 2025. Plus my one big recommendation for you to take action is Community - Find Your Community. You’ve Got This!

Ops Insights #055 - From AI Headshots to AI Agents
It’s hard to believe a year ago I was presenting at the AASP conference and the latest and coolest thing to share was Ai headshots. I showed 18 headshots and asked the audience to pick the one photo that was not created using Ai. Only a handful guessed it correctly.
Fast forward to today and the latest mind blowing thing in artificial intelligence is Ai agents. We went from automation to Ai Automated to Ai Agents. 2025 is the year of Ai Agents. Live dive in to learn more.

Ops Insights #054 - Thankful, Grateful
I was making my morning Chai Tea Latte and grabbed a cup that said Thankful, Grateful. It made me smile as my daughter gave it to me, and she knows I love sappy sayings.
Then I thought, "What's the difference?"
According to dictionary.com, thankful is “feeling or expressing gratitude,” and grateful is “expressing or actuated by gratitude.” Both revolve around gratitude, and I for one, feel this every day. Let’s dive into why.

Ops Insights #053 - Ambassadors Refer Potential Donors
An Ambassador Program is a way to drive referrals of potential donors. Ambassadors have existing relationships and serve as connectors to potential donors they know who care about your nonprofit, such as individuals you serve, friends, or organizations. You can partner with various Ambassadors who pass referrals to your Philanthropy team. Let’s walk through the reasons you want ambassadors, the stages, and ways to track them.

Ops Insights #052 - Reasons to Build Organization-Wide Relationships
Building relationships outside the development office but still within your organization expands fundraising opportunities. The question you want to ask: How do we help those throughout our organization be involved?
Joe, Doug, and I talked about how we help others in the organization understand what we do in philanthropy and what their role can be in the development process. Which, in turn, creates more opportunities for conversations with potential donors. Let’s dive into what it takes.

Ops Insights #051 - 3 Things Donors Do Not Say
3 Things Donors Do Not Say: I gave because you have a clean database. I gave because you have timely reports. I gave because you have streamlined processes. You certainly do not. Rather, you hear donors say: I gave because you made a difference in my life. I gave because I want something changed for the better. I gave because I want to leave a legacy. Let’s talk through how this happens.

Ops Insights #050 - 3 Teaching Techniques that Increase Engagement
This edition is for my Ops peeps who do teaching, training, and mentoring. From teaching how to use the data or database to teaching how to get the computer to work, we get asked many “tech” questions in our roles. For me, this is exciting as teaching is one of my favorite parts of my work.
There's nothing like it to take someone from base level to more advanced to ah-ha light-bulb moments. When I see it finally click and their face lights up, it’s magical. Let’s dive into three teaching techniques to increase engagement.

Ops Insights #049 Get Uncomfortable to Stay Relevant
Think of that moment. The moment where you felt, wow, I nailed it. I nailed it for me, for our team, and for our organization. You pause, take a breath, smile, and say we are better because of it. How long ago was that? Why can’t you make that happen more often?
I’m here to tell you that you can, but you have to be willing to get uncomfortable. This actually is a must-do to stay relevant. Data, tech, and the fundraising landscape changes. If you are still operating the same way you were 5, 10, or 15 years ago, you are outdated. It’s never too late to get curious, lean in, and learn how to adjust, tweak, enhance, and evolve to make things better.

Ops Insights #048 Use History When You Have No Mentor
You are never truly alone unless you choose to be. In the nonprofit sector, there are tons of people who are willing to help. Find a mentor outside of your org if you need to. Find a group, a community, or a tribe to go through the journey with. You should never be alone and there are so many options out there today to lean into.
I am going to walk you through an example of how I took hold of a situation when there was no one to guide me, how I leaned in, and how I succeeded in hopes it can guide you in your journey.

Ops Insights #047 Organize to Ward off Stress
Summer is coming to an end and it’s time to adjust our routines to get back to fall schedules. If you are like me, it’s a time of adjustment, a time to reset your mindset and reclaim some habits that you let go of during the summer months. Let’s talk through what can help get you back into the swing of things.

Ops Insights #046 Interview Questions You Can Use
When looking for someone to join your team on the data, database, and operations side of the house, looking for someone who understands not just the database, but who understands people, data, and processes. You want someone who can sit as a trusted partner side-by-side with frontline fundraisers and talk about strategy and how the data and database can support the frontline strategies, but also can dive into the weeds and get things done. To find this person, let’s give you some interview questions you can use during interviews.

Ops Insights #045 Hire an Ops Professional Not a Database Admin
When looking for someone to join your team on the data, database, and operations side of the house, you want someone that understands philanthropy operations and can partner positively with the frontline. You do not want someone who only understands database administration and prefers to be isolated in the data or behind a computer.
We will talk through why you need an operations professional over a database admin and what to look for when you are interviewing.

Ops Insights #044 Become a Futuristic Fixer
This edition is for my data and ops peers who are early to mid in their career and want to grow in their role by being a trusted go-to colleague. As we kick off summer and transition into new routines, I’ve been extra observant of who is a fixer. Let’s talk about the types of fixers, why you want to become a futuristic fixer, and steps you can take to get there.

Ops Insights #043 Help Fundraisers Embrace the CRM
I’ve seen fundraisers who embrace the CRM database successfully enter their activity into the CRM, which feeds into the reports to show increased philanthropy results. Being able to show results helps the entire team articulate their effectiveness better. Let’s talk about the 3 steps to make this happen.

Ops Insights #042 Reasons I Write for You
👋 Hi, I’m Jenny. Your personal guide, coach, and mentor for nonprofit data, CRM databases, and operations → Philanthropy Operations, also known as advancement Services, Development Operations, or Philanthropy Services, is the foundational structure that supports all fundraising efforts. For me, I am extremely passionate about philanthropy operations and helping you. I write for you. As I write, I speak to two main audiences. Let’s dive into who and why.

Ops Insights #041 My Top 8 LinkedIn Posts for YOU
It’s my birthday week and I’m incredibly grateful for YOU. For being here, for reading, for learning, for engaging, and most importantly for doing the good work you do and being the good human you are. Thank you for this amazing journey we are on.
In honor of my birthday, I’m going to share the top 8 LinkedIn posts from this year that are a must read.