Ops Insights #058 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 2 of 2)
January 30, 2025 | Read Time: 4 minutes | Written by Jenny Kleintop
Building off our prior edition, we are going to walk through how we cleansed portfolios and filled gaps in portfolios to lock and load them.
We held three 1.5-hour sessions over a 4-week period.
Session 1 - Review and Remove
The objective of the first prospect review session was to go through all the existing prospects and portfolios and ask the questions: Are these viable prospects that you currently carry? So viable that you will be able to have a meaningful interaction with them in the next 90 days?
We moved names around to other fundraisers.
We dropped non-responsive prospects.
We got the portfolios to a more realistic place for each fundraiser.
We kept it simple and used a combination of a spreadsheet and the database to make sure we covered what we needed to in the 1.5 hours. The spreadsheet allowed us to quickly group and sort by relationship manager, stage, and last action. We had one spreadsheet for individuals and another for organizations. Then the database allowed us to click into any prospects where we had additional questions to answer.
I didn’t update in real-time as I wanted to keep us moving. Rather, I keep the notes in the first column of the spreadsheet to make the updates after the session.
See below for a screenshot of the spreadsheet we used along with a list of the fields we used.
Session 2 - Review and Fill in Gaps
The objective of the second prospect review session was to view the balance or make-up of the portfolios, fill in gaps with new prospects that we had in identification, and shift prospects around if needed to meet the overall objective.
We assigned new prospects to fundraisers that needed more.
We shifted some prospects to other fundraisers.
We filled in the gaps in portfolios, so each fundraiser felt good about being able to make meaningful interactions with each prospect in the next 90 days.
We used the same method as session one with a spreadsheet and database as well as keeping notes, especially on the next step, so I could add that to the database after. This simply made us go faster than trying to make all the updates in real time.
See below for a screenshot of what we used to view the balance/make-up of portfolios.
Session 3 - Review and Lock in Portfolios
The objective of the third prospect review session was to do one more review of all portfolios and lock them in. The CDO referred to this as “locked and loaded.” In this session since portfolios were in a good place, we had more time to take down the next step on many prospects keeping in mind we wanted to ensure we could do a meaningful interaction within the next 90 days such as:
Handwritten note.
Personal call.
Email forwarded of a newsletter or other already created asset, with a note that we wanted them to see something that we thought they’d be interested in.
It proved to be more helpful than the CDO and I realized at first because we had some less experienced fundraisers in the room, and they were able to learn from the other fundraisers.
I made the commitment to make all the updates from these three sessions in the database for the fundraisers to get us ready. And the CDO and I set the expectation with them that they would enter their activity from here.
Now we were ready to launch. The portfolios were “locked and loaded” and in a good place to launch the Fast Start Initiative.
Reference materials
For session 1 here is a view of the spreadsheet we used for portfolio reviews:
Additionally for session 1 here is the list of fields we used for portfolio reviews and the bolded fields are ones we referenced the most:
9/5 Session Notes
Cons ID
Ind or Org
Sort Key
Spouse Name
Primary Contact
Cons Code - Primary
Relationship Manager
Relationship Manager Former
Prospect Status
Wealth Screening Rating (1-1, 1-2, 1-3 means it's a good Major Gift Prospect)
Wealth Screening Estimated Capacity
Wealth Screening Largest Gift Found
Wealth Screening Quality Score
FY2020 Giving
FY2021 Giving
FY2022 Giving
FY2023 Giving
FY2024 Giving
Last Gift Date
Last Gift Appeal
Last Gift Campaign
Last Gift Amount
Last Gift Type
Largest Gift Amount
Largest Gift Date
Largest Gift Campaign
Largest Gift Type
Last Action Date
Last Action Category
Last Action Description
Open Action Date
Open Action Category
Open Action Description
For session 2 here is a view of the pivot table we used to see portfolio’s balance/make-up:
Additionally for session 2 we used the same spreadsheets (refreshed) from session 1 but focused on which were top rated but did not have an assignment.
Take Action
➡ Review part 1 of 3 to get moving on cleansing and locking in portfolios.
➡ For part 2 of 3 follow the steps above to cleanse portfolios and fill gaps in portfolios to lock and load portfolios.
➡ For part 3 of 3: See how it was time to launch and get moving with the Fast Start Initiative.
You’ve got this!
👋 See you next time,
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