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For leaders and ops team members at small to midsize nonprofits to get guidance, uplifting, and resources for nonprofit data, database, and operations.

Ops Insights #060 - CEO & CDO’s Strategy for Dev Services Leader
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #060 - CEO & CDO’s Strategy for Dev Services Leader

As a CEO or CDO, you don’t want your 3 am thoughts to be about your concerns with the quality of your data or database. Nor do you have to stress about your staff not getting what they need to be effective or broken operational processes slowing things down. The data, database, and operational processes should not be a pain point. You want data that is right. You want a database that is clean. You want operational processes that allows you to be a proactive leader.

You want a smooth, well-run area where you and your team can have trust and confidence in what you are investing in, seeing, and using every day. To get here, the key is understanding the area and making sure you have the right person in place to lead the area. This area is called Development Services, also known as Philanthropy Operations or Advancement Services. Let’s dive in.

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Ops Insights #059 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 3 of 3)
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #059 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 3 of 3)

Building off our prior two editions we were ready. It was time to launch and get moving. We ran team check-ins to look at progress and I offered additional opportunities to support with 1:1 sessions. We would have liked to run bi-weekly check-ins, but in reality we could only fit in monthly team check-ins. Which we were okay with as the CDO has her check-ins with the fundraisers on strategy and I did 1:1s to help with tracking activity in the database. You see, I was invested. I wanted them to hit the 100% goal and it’s not always intuitive to a fundraiser to make sure to mark all the details on the action to ensure it’s pulling in as completed on the report. Let’s dive in.

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Ops Insights #058 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 2 of 2)
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #058 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 2 of 2)

Building off our prior edition, we are going to walk through how we cleansed portfolios and filled gaps in portfolios to lock and load them. We held three 1.5-hour sessions over a 4-week period. The objective of the first prospect review session was to go through all the existing prospects and portfolios and ask the questions: Are these viable prospects that you currently carry? So viable that you will be able to have a meaningful interaction with them in the next 90 days? Let’s dive in on the details.

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Ops Insights #057 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 1 of 3)
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #057 - Fundraiser Fast Start Initiative (Part 1 of 3)

The CDO came to me and said the board and her created a Fast Start initiative and we need reports to hold the team accountable and show progress. I thought this was really cool and immediately my brain went into action mode – how can I set up the tracking and reporting for her to be able to report out, but also how can I support the fundraisers to hit 100% of the goal? Let’s dive in.

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Ops Insights #038 Prospect Strategy vs. Portfolio Review Sessions
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #038 Prospect Strategy vs. Portfolio Review Sessions

If you can grow and solidify your prospecting efforts and nurture a proactive and collaborative working relationship between frontline and data/ops team members, you will excel in your fundraising efforts. One way to boost these efforts is learning to run effective prospect strategy sessions and portfolio reviews. Let’s talk through the difference.

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Ops Insights #012 Prospect Lifecycle
Jenny Kleintop Jenny Kleintop

Ops Insights #012 Prospect Lifecycle

An intentional process to move prospects through the pipeline is essential to closing more and larger gifts. The Prospect Lifecycle is your answer. Learn to solidify your process.

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