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For leaders and ops team members at small to midsize nonprofits to get guidance, uplifting, and resources for nonprofit data, database, and operations.

Ops Insights #033 How to Say Goodbye to the Past Year
Did your last 30 days feel like this: go, go, go; make those calls, close those gifts, process those gifts, pump out those acknowledgments, make those thank you calls …all hands on deck.. go, go, go? It’s a normal part of fundraising, but it seems each year gets more and more intense with no break during any month of the calendar year. Let’s take a moment to take a breath, and as you head into another year, try not to clear the page and jump right into another year. Take a moment… what are you feeling?

Ops Insights #030 Addressing Burnout in the #Nonprofit Workplace
As we navigate the challenges of the nonprofit sector, it's crucial to address burnout to ensure the well-being of our teams and the success of our nonprofit missions. In the spirit of combating burnout, Stephanie and I have been running a series of posts throughout November on LinkedIn to provide awareness and actionable steps for fundraising professionals like yourself.

Ops Insights #025 My Wish for You
You have so much good inside of you. A thought, an idea, and a voice to share. The nonprofit space is already filled with enough pressure to go faster, do more with less, and innovate without investment (heard of AI?). Let’s help you find those positive-minded people to uplift you and fuel your ambitions!

Ops Insights #010 Build Your Soft Skills
Being successful in Philanthropy Operations requires more than just tech skills. It is essential you also have the soft skills. When you acquire the needed soft skills, you’ll grow as a service-oriented professional, relationship builder, and effective communicator.

Ops Insights #006 Prospect Management Limited Time
Prospect management provides the highest ROI of all the areas in philanthropy operations, but often it is the most ignored in small to midsize nonprofit organizations. This does not mean you have to start doubling up your hours or conquering the world by yourself. It means, if you are flying solo or on a small team overloaded with competing priorities, you have to find a way to clear the path so you can elevate prospect management efforts.

Ops Insights #005 Seat at the Table
You are an integral part of the team but may not be getting invited to the table for relevant discussions. Let’s fix this. As when philanthropy operations have an equal seat at the table, fundraising results will exponentially grow. Learn 3 simple steps you can take to get a seat at the table.