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For leaders and ops team members at small to midsize nonprofits to get guidance, uplifting, and resources for nonprofit data, database, and operations.

Ops Insights #013 Fiscal Year End
It’s that time… another fiscal year is coming to an end. It is a mad dash to get those last-minute gifts in, processed, and thanked. Remember it takes a village in nonprofit fundraising to move forward. Ask for help and show appreciation for the donor's generosity. After all there are 10 million nonprofit organizations for donors to choose from, and they chose you.

Ops Insights #012 Prospect Lifecycle
An intentional process to move prospects through the pipeline is essential to closing more and larger gifts. The Prospect Lifecycle is your answer. Learn to solidify your process.

Ops Insights #011 Track Your Praises
One day you will be ready to make your case for a promotion, a new role, or a new initiative. To make your case, it speaks greater volumes when you have others singing your praises for you. Learn how to keep track of your praises so when that big moment comes, you are ready.

Ops Insights #010 Build Your Soft Skills
Being successful in Philanthropy Operations requires more than just tech skills. It is essential you also have the soft skills. When you acquire the needed soft skills, you’ll grow as a service-oriented professional, relationship builder, and effective communicator.

Ops Insights #009 Becoming a Hyper-Connected Team
When you have a hyper-connected team, you become more efficient and effective in your fundraising efforts. You thrive and move forward in a cohesive way. This translates to raising more money for your nonprofit organization.

Ops Insights #008 Prospect Management Make the Case
Making the case for prospect management is not an easy task. Knowing what you need, why you need it, and the benefit will make presenting your case so much more effective. Learn the 1/2/3 method you can use.

Ops Insights #007 Prospect Management Limited Resources
Prospect management provides the highest ROI of all the areas in philanthropy operations, but it takes investing resources, energy, and effort. And you are vital in this effort. Last week we unpacked limited staff. This week we are unpacking limited resources.

Ops Insights #006 Prospect Management Limited Time
Prospect management provides the highest ROI of all the areas in philanthropy operations, but often it is the most ignored in small to midsize nonprofit organizations. This does not mean you have to start doubling up your hours or conquering the world by yourself. It means, if you are flying solo or on a small team overloaded with competing priorities, you have to find a way to clear the path so you can elevate prospect management efforts.

Ops Insights #005 Seat at the Table
You are an integral part of the team but may not be getting invited to the table for relevant discussions. Let’s fix this. As when philanthropy operations have an equal seat at the table, fundraising results will exponentially grow. Learn 3 simple steps you can take to get a seat at the table.

Ops Insights #004 Ask the Purpose of a Data Request
When receiving a data request, ask for the purpose. When you know the purpose, it guides what data you pull, how you pull the data, and how you present that data so it is most helpful. It also helps you learn how to provide next-level insights to the requestor.

Ops Insights #003: Quality Data
There must be quality data. As without quality data, nothing of substance can or will happen. There are three ways to check your data - see what kind of shape it’s in, review your incoming data feeds, and ensure your outcoming data is user-friendly.

Ops Insights #002 Hyper-Connected Teams
When you have a hyper-connected team, you become more efficient and effective in your fundraising efforts. You thrive and move forward in a cohesive way. This translates to raising more money for your nonprofit organization.

Ops Insights #001: ChatGPT is Next Level Support for Fundraising
ChatGPT is the biggest innovation of the decade. The best part is you do not have to be an Ai or tech expert to use it. Over 100 million users have been using it – from entry level users to advanced users. Will you use it?